Looking back at Celtic Dragon Tarot: Queen of Cups

After my day wound down, I found that I was a lot more tired than I gave myself credit for.

I know this update is a bit delayed – it seems that life has caught up to me a little bit! But I haven’t forgotten about the blog and the updates, which is why I’m hear to update on my last card, the Celtic Dragon Tarot: Queen of Cups with an interpretation of:

This day is best spent working on my spiritual and emotional goals.

This card couldn’t have been more right. As the day wore on, I really couldn’t find myself focusing on anything tangible and I kept wanting to work on the more spiritual aspects of my life. I ended up spending the day organizing my tarot decks. Writing down some of my interpretations of each of the cards for a compilation (which I will begin adding to the blog very soon) and doing various tarot spreads.

I learned a lot and was able to put my life into perspective even more. The day was truly a very blessed day indeed.

Technical Difficulties

It seems that for some odd reason wordpress didn’t like the word curl. I figured this out when I tried reinstalling wordpress and that did not seem to solve the problem. Then I noticed it would let me post test entries, however, refused to post this one post in particular, so I went line by line through the post and realized it would not let me post the word curl – at least not in that post because it posts it here with no problems. Very odd.

I’ve been trying to post to my blog since this morning. For whatever reason, my wordpress doesn’t like the entry or possibly tarot card I’ve selected for today and I keep receiving a 403 Forbidden error when I try to go ahead and post the entry.

I will continue to work on this and hopefully be able to continue with my daily tarots in the coming days. Just wanted to say that I have not forgotten about the daily tarot!

Nigel Jackson Tarot: Queen of Swords

Yesterday was a very relaxing day for me :). I actually went on a day trip so was not home to do my daily tarot card on the blog, but suffice it to say that it was a much needed getaway from my previously busy week. And from the looks of today’s card, I’m in for another busy week (or day at least).

Tarot Deck: Nigel Jackson Tarot
Tarot Card: Queen of Swords

My personal interpretation:
This card definitely tells me that there will be much activity within today and much work needing to get done. While I would like to believe that I am the Queen, my intuition tells me that I am not. There will be another women who plays a part in my day as well. She seems like she would be stern and almost hard-nosed, but I cannot say she’s wicked or anything like that. If anything, I need some discipline and she will assist me in obtaining it. She may even become my protector in some sense.

Also, the card shows me that there may be a period of time today when it seems that things are not going my way, however, I still need to work through it to see the end results clearly. There will also be some level of isolation as well. Near the end of the day, I would expect to see some rewards for my efforts in the day.

Interpretation from the book:
A widow; sadness; spiritual struggle over material odds; meticulousness.

My personal interpretation actually varies a bit from what the book says, but one thing I’ve learned with the tarot, go with your own intuition, even if it’s not the same as what’s in the book. Once you trust what your body and spirit is telling you through the card, you’ll find you no longer need to use the book. Base you reading on how the card feels to you, and what the card tells you through its imagery. Think of the book as a loose guideline :).

I’ll update you this evening when it’s time for me to get ready for bed so you can see how this card played out in my life today!

Daily Tarot Delayed!

If you’ve been following along with my blog, you’ll notice that I post every day (or have since it’s been online) – however, you’ll notice I didn’t update the Robin Wood Sun last night and I didn’t add a daily tarot card today. How come?

Short answer: I was running short on time.

Last night I got to bed somewhere in the wee hours after finishing a couple projects and this morning I woke up to quite a busy day indeed. I did do a daily tarot card :) and will most certainly post on it later.

What’s in store for this evening:
- An update on Robin Wood’s Sun card and how it applied to my day (Friday) Done
- Today’s daily tarot card/synopsis (in the same post) Done
- A review of one of my favorite tarot decks (that’ll be a surprise)

I continue to work on getting this blog whipped into shape and some of the things I’d like to get online are:

- The archive pages, right now, they will become quite long with possibly 60 posts per month. I want to find a way to shorten them and allow people to quickly scan the titles to see if there are any cards or topics that jump out at them to read Done

- I want, of course, to get the About section up and running so people can see an overview of what this blog is about and what I hope to accomplish with it

- I would like to include a small thumbnail picture of the card I’m speaking about. I figure it would help others who may not have the deck to understand where I get my interpretations from.

- I also want to get the link section up and running because I’ve found a lot of wonderful tarot resources over the years and would love to share them. That is not on the priority list, but I assure you, it will get done. If you know of a wonderful, insightful, or just plain interesting tarot resource, please feel free to post the link in the comments section.ything else that you see that can be done to this blog to make it an even better tarot resource, I’m all ears. Commenting and speaking your mind is welcome (as long as it remains on point and respectful).

That’s all for now – see you this evening!

Looking Back at Nigel Jackson Tarot: Ten of Staves

Well, my day is winding down to a close. I am updating a little early as I don’t plan to go to bed for another couple hours, and as I’m sure you already know, alot can happy in a couple hours. However, I feel secure in updating the blog as I’ve already had an eventful day indeed.

This will be the update to today’s card Nigel Jackson Tarot: Ten of Staves with an initial interpretation of:

Overall, I see that today, a rebellion (on my part) may occur and an end will be put to any oppressions that I feel with regards to an idea or dream that I am having. I however, need to be careful, as my opinion weighs a lot more than I give it credit for and I will border on being a tyrant. There is nothing too distressing about this card and the man’s facial expressions do not seem pained in anyway, so I should not need to worry about much opposition.

I was very curious to see how this particular card would play out in my day as I didn’t think there would be too much going on, however, hindsight is 20/20. Today, I had a client of mine ring in to see how my new year was and to discuss some other important matters. As the conversation carried on, I did feel a bit of swell in my chest to go against everything she was asking me to do. I lunged at the opportunity to offer my 2 bits and lay some ground rules before her demands got out of hand.

It was refreshing, but it also gave me a moment to look at and realize that this lady truly took what I said to heart. Any recommendations or changes I suggested, it suddenly became written law in her book so I realized I definitely needed to watch what I said to her – at least at this point and time. I will not lie and say it wasn’t exciting to have that much sway with someone, but I definitely saw how it could have been easily misused.

Also, today I decided to give my sister a ring to wish her well. Unfortunately, I did not heed the card’s warning as our conversation dwindled on and I got the distinct inpression that I had beome a bit of a tyrant with my time and patience. Although I made generalizations about what people did that “pissed me off”, much of the things mentioned were things that she did to me as well. I know to her I seemed quite heavy handed (which reminded me of the chain whip the gentleman in the card was holding) – and that leads to the comment that hindsight is 20/20. Because of this, I will be doing sisterly damage control.

That’s it for today, I welcome comments and questions, so don’t be shy in leaving them! Have a wonderful evening and you can expect another daily tarot tomorrow!

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