Nigel Jackson Tarot: The Hermit

I know I’ve been out of the swing of things for a few days, but I certainly haven’t forgotten about my daily tarot card (even if I wasn’t able to update my blog) and since things are a little bit more under control around here, I’m going to start back up with the daily tarot card updates :).

The Nigel Jackson Tarot
Tarot Deck: Nigel Jackson Tarot

Tarot Card: The Hermit (IX)

My personal interpretation:
Today will be a day of quiet reflection. Hiding from the forays of everyday chaos to learn important lessons about my inner self. Self-contemplation will take the driver’s seat and all else will be in a separate car :). The card is set at night with stars twinkling in the sky. The old man holds a lantern in his hand with light beaming from the front of it to light his path as he stands atop a rocky ledge. This tells me that although the road looks daunting and there is darkness (unknown) all around, I do not have to succumb to any fear because I have light (guidance) and wisdom.

All in all, enjoy my day of self-imposed solitude, it will be a rewarding one.

Interpretation from the book:
Prudent withdrawal from the crowd to pursue a solitary vision; silence; independence; contemplation; detachment; hidden wisdom; deliberation; secret inspiration.

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